My friend Michael Tymn, who's written several excellent books on evidence for the afterlife and who maintains a blog at the White Crow Books site, interviewed me recently about my new book The Far Horizon. He asked good questions, as you would expect.
I noticed that one commenter on Mike Tymn's site said that the Jacqui Poole case had been debunked by Tony Youens. For those who are interested, I addressed Youens' arguments at length in my blog post on the case.
Hello, Michael
I recently bought and read your latest. Well done. Like my grandfather used to say, "You done good." Your four examples are excellent and lucidly explained. Especially quantum entanglement. I hope your book vaults you into the national forefront of any discussions on the afterlife. The Far Horizon will stand proudly next to my many other books on this topic. I especially liked the Flatland example of dimensionality.
Posted by: richard rogers | February 04, 2021 at 07:18 AM
Thanks very much, Richard! I’m glad my book has joined your collection. I’m sure it’s in very good company.
Posted by: Michael Prescott | February 04, 2021 at 01:27 PM
I just watched my 4th Joe Rogan interview. I think you would do well on that show. I think you'd interact well with him.
Posted by: Roger Knights | February 04, 2021 at 06:59 PM
I know Joe Rogan only from the sitcom "NewsRadio." It’s amazing how he’s handled his career since then.
I’ve probably had my fill of interviews at this point — they don’t sell a significant number of books, and they require a lot of preparation. I do have a podcast interview coming up, which was recorded a couple of weeks ago. When it’s available, I’ll let you know.
Basically, self-promotion isn’t my thing.
Posted by: Michael Prescott | February 04, 2021 at 07:32 PM