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Nice, Michael, congratulations!

I think I'll buy the paperback and enjoy it in an analog fashion!

Very happy for you...

That’s great news. I’ll keep an eye out for it.

Can't wait!

I hope you cull more books from your threads here, especially one on the theme of "Why I Am Not a Skeptic." Such a book should sell OK and fill a niche; and there should be a niche publisher willing to handle it. (I'd copy-edit it for free. I've done so for five books already.)

I also hope that you include comments from those threads. Obtaining permission from a dozen of the regulars here should be easy.

Congrats and very much looking forward to reading the book (in analogue).

Congratulations! Looking forward to reading it.

Excellent,Michael! Looking forward to it. Most certainly I will buy the hard copy version.


I am sooo looking forward to this book.

Apparitions are some of the best evidence given that apparitions of the living, which are reciprocally experience by the sender and the receiver are mirrored by those of the deceased.

The empirical scientific method does not prove anything. It provides us with highly probable truths. And the survival evidence is convergent and difficult to explain on other grounds. Psi is goal driven so if there is no discernible motivation, then super-psi is a highly unlikely explanation a specific case.

"the virtual-reality simulation model
the spectrum of frequencies model
the Flatland model
the diamond model."

Excellent choices, Michael! I confess that when you originally spoke of four models, I was concerned that one of them (remembering many discussions and posts) would be information-processing or computer-related. That’s never interested me so I’m glad it’s not featured. (Though I suppose the virtual-reality model—which I’m sure is valid in itself—may lean in that direction.)

Flatland is endlessly mind-bending—exactly what’s needed for a book like this. And the spectrum-of-frequencies viewpoint is another great choice. As I began to transition from my rigid skepticism, it was my first way of making sense of an invisible spiritual realm.

Finally, I remember your post on your diamond-related mystical experience as being one of your best.

Sounds like you’ve got the makings of a winner here.

Thanks, Bruce! However, I have to tell you that the VR model, as I present it, essentially is the information processing model. And yes, there’s a lot about "it from bit," the idea that what we call physical reality has its origins in pure information. ("It from bit" is a phrase coined by physicist John Wheeler.)

My only doubt about the book now is whether we'll still have a world left for it to be published in. I’ve never seen current events at such a hot boil. The closest I can come to it is the summer of 1968, which I only dimly remember. I’m concerned enough that I’ve begun putting my personal affairs in order. If the worst case scenario plays out, a lot of us will be learning about the afterlife without the need for a book!

"the VR model, as I present it, essentially is the information processing model"

Well, it looks like I'll be interested in 3/4 of the book then. :)

"I’ve never seen current events at such a hot boil. The closest I can come to it is the summer of 1968."

I'm old enough to have been traumatized by the Cuban missile crisis. That could have been curtains for all of us right there. I vividly remember doubting that I would get to enjoy my upcoming Bar Mitzvah.

But yes—these are troubling times indeed. Though part of me, thank God (literally), lives on a separate "track” entirely, far removed from politics and elections. Having a spiritual perspective makes a difference.

Recent new article about "reality"....

A quantum experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality

"Physicists have long suspected that quantum mechanics allows two observers to experience different, conflicting realities. Now they’ve performed the first experiment that proves it." ...
"And today, Massimiliano Proietti at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and a few colleagues say they have performed this experiment for the first time: they have created different realities and compared them. Their conclusion is that Wigner was correct—these realities can be made irreconcilable so that it is impossible to agree on objective facts about an experiment."

Remember everything we call real is made out of things that can't be considered as real (Niels Bohr, founding father of modern quantum physics.

'I’m concerned enough that I’ve begun putting my personal affairs in order. If the worst case scenario plays out, a lot of us will be learning about the afterlife without the need for a book!'

Considering how things are going, I honestly wouldn't mind that.

"Considering how things are going, I honestly wouldn't mind that."

I've been feeling the same way, myself. I feel a little bit like Cicero at the end of the Roman Republic. Not that I'm any Cicero, of course — I just mean emotionally. As a friend of mine put it, "Things are going to get worse before they get worse."

\\"As a friend of mine put it, "Things are going to get worse before they get worse." - MP//

That literally made me laugh out loud... I'm still chuckling. {snort!} - Art

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