Here's more Seth stuff, and its possible interpretation in terms of some of the notions I've advanced in earlier posts. But before I get into that, I want to clarify what I'm doing when I play around with ideas like these.
It's not that I think I can come up with The Answer, the absolute truth about the nature of reality. I doubt that any human mind is capable of conceiving such a thing, and I'm sure mine isn't. And I'm suspicious of those who claim to have worked out a Theory Of Everything, no matter how elaborate it may be. I also recognize that any model based on present-day technology is likely to appear antiquated in the future, when that technology is obsolete.
Nonetheless, I do find it useful to come up with a model – however flawed – that allows me to make sense both of a variety of phenomena (psi, the paradoxes of quantum physics, and other things) and of testimonies from purportedly channeled entities, especially those that seem intellectually serious. If a given model allows me to integrate this material in a way that is fairly coherent, then it helps me to understand these phenomena and these claims. That doesn't mean I've actually penetrated to the real truth of the matter, only that I've found a way to have it make sense for me.
Moreover, if it makes sense, I'm much likely to treat it seriously. For instance, I'd never thought much about the Seth material before, because I just couldn't make head or tail of it. I had read parts of it, but it didn't mean much to me. Seth might have been speaking, but it didn't feel like he was speaking to me. However, now that I can interpret these communications in terms of the model I've been sketching out, they are starting to seem more meaningful. And this is personally valauable to me, though it may not be valuable to other people who are not enamored of this model or who already feel they understand Seth perfectly well without it.
With that in mind, here are some selective quotations from chapter 7 of Seth Speaks. The quotations are selective because a good deal of what he says either is irrelevant to what we've been talking about, or might possibly contradict it. (It's hard to say.)
Your physical form is the result of great emotional focus. The fantastic energy of your psyche not only created your physical body, but maintains it. It is not one continuous thing, although to you it seems permanent enough while it lasts. It is nevertheless in a constant state of pulsation, and because of the nature of energy and its construction, the body is actually blinking off and on.
Now: This is difficult to explain, and for our present purposes it is not entirely necessary that you understand the reasons for this pulsing; but even physically, you are "not here" as often as you are here.
For my part, I would understand this as follows: The physical body, like any other physical thing, is rendered as a multisensory, multidimensional image by a render engine, using the data that exists in N-space. The resulting images exist in our own personal M-space. The rendering capability is (perhaps) a feature of consciousness itself – "the fantastic energy of your psyche." As such it is distinct from the "cosmic CPU" (Thomas Campbell's term) that handles the information processing problems in N-space.
This is not very different from an actual computer, which uses a CPU to run the program but uses a GPU, or graphs processing unit, to do the rendering. Admittedly, I'm simplifying, since there's more involved in computer rendering, but the point is that the equations necessary to work out the position, momentum, etc., of an object are different from those used to render it, and the work can be performed by different processors.
Note that the "constant state of pulsation" of the physical body, and presumably of all other physical things, is consistent with our idea of the "virtual-reality screen" that is constantly refreshing. Remember that, in our model, the screen is M-space, a mental projection personal to each individual. What I render in my M-space may not be what you render in yours, because you may not be looking at the same things I'm looking at. However, if we're both looking at the same thing, then that thing will be rendered in the same way (or at least, more or less the same way) for both of us, because the underlying calculations in N-space are the same for everyone. This is equivalent to two computer gamers at separate terminals, each seeing his own rendered version of the VR world in which their avatars are interacting.
There are also realities that are "relatively more valid" than your own … Yours is not a system of reality formed by the most intense concentration of energy, therefore. It is simply the one you are tuned in to, part and parcel of. You perceive it simply for this reason.
Other portions of yourself, therefore, of which you are not consciously aware, do inhabit what you could call a supersystem of reality in which consciousness learns to handle and perceive much stronger concentrations of energy, and to construct "forms" of a different nature indeed.
These other levels of the system would correspond, in our model, to the levels of a computer game. The entire game is run by a single program, but a user can advance from level to level, and the rules and possibilities change from one level to the next.
You are, using an analogy again, sent out by a superself who strongly desired existence in physical form. You are no puppet of this superself. You will follow your own lines of development, and through means far too difficult to explain here, you add to the experience of the superself and also then extend the nature of its reality. You also insure your own development, and you are able to draw upon the abilities of the superself.
Nor will you ever be swallowed by the self that in these terms seems so superior … There is no end to the reality of consciousness, nor the means of its materialization. Nor is there any end to the developments possible for each identity.
This passage ties in with my earlier blog post "Slices of Life." The different "portions of yourself" would correspond to the different slices in the cone indicated in the diagram. All of them exist simultaneously, since the total system exists outside of time as we understand it. The higher self consists of all the various incarnations of the self, which nevertheless have their own personal, unique identities.
Similar ideas are found later in Chapter 7 of Seth Speaks:
While you continue to exist and develop as an individual, your whole self, or soul, has such vast potential, that it can never be expressed fully through one personality ...
You are presently focused not only in your physical body, but within a particular frequency of events that you interpret as time. Other historical periods exist simultaneously, in forms quite as valid; and other reincarnation selves else. Again, you simply are not tuned to those frequencies ...
You are as actively and vividly concerned in those realities as you are in the one in which your main attention is now focused. Now, as you are merely concerned with your physical body and physical self as a rule, you give your attention to the stream of consciousness that seems to deal with it. These other streams of consciousness, however, are connected with other self-forms that you do not perceive. The body, in other words, is simply one manifestation of what you are in one reality, but in these other realities you have other forms.
All of this also seems to fit pretty well with another post of mine, "The Diamond," which stressed the complexity, power, and – for want of a better word – sheer magnificence of the higher self when viewed as a totality. As Seth says in Chapter 6:
Your soul therefore – the soul that you are – the soul that you are part of – that soul is a far more creative and miraculous phenomenon then you previously supposed.
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