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this book has 85 years! You could scan the book, it's public domain, like the excerpt that you maked of the psychic life of Jesus. Could you do this?

Say "yes", please :-)

Best wishes,

Another area of evidence for survival no doubt that this book is a must read for anyone interested in survival of bodily death.

Is anybody going to watch that Derren Brown show on Sci-Fi tonight? If so, would you mind posting your impressions? I don't want to miss Rescue Me.

>this book has 85 years! You could scan the book, it's public domain, like the excerpt that you maked of the psychic life of Jesus. Could you do this?

Sorry, no. I didn't scan The Psychic Life of Jesus - I dictated it using voice recognition, then made corrections. It was time-consuming. But Thomas' book is available at Amazon and other online retailers.

I couldn't help wondering, as I read this particular offering from Michael, about what the psychological and sociological impact would be if it could somehow be demonstrated to the satisfaction of (nearly) everyone that the survival of consciousness after physical death was an absolute certainty. Would social structures crumble, morality disappear, mass murder and suicide rates require quantum notation to tally, "life" as we have known it lose any semblance of "meaning"? No doubt it would be a bad day for the skeptics and materialists, but if such a proof also indicated the lack of "one TRUE religion", even the ultra-righteous fundamentalists of various creeds would have ample cause for anxiety. As for the rest of us, we could point to the many extant indicators, such as those presented in Michael's blog offerings, and quietly ask those people "What were you thinking?".

I was watching on the news about a brain injured man able to speak after 6 years.

Michael just wondering how can this case be explain my the transmission/receiver theory? Could we say that the brain was restricting the soul?

The medium’s entity was in effect looking into the future. This ability suggests that time is somewhat of a false impression? The more one reads and analyzes these types of stories the more it suggests that indeed we survive physical death.

Why the inner doubts about an underlying reality of materialism by most people and the appearance of absolute doubts by the ultra skeptics? The veil of materialism is very thick and convincing. Maybe this thick veil makes for better drama and for dynamic world rather than a static world.

Can we put a name to this veil? From my point of view it is ignorance. What would the world be like without one thought based in ignorance and “we” had complete understanding of absolute reality?

No world, no duality, no drama, no you and me, just an absolute knowing beyond knowing whatever that is. Can we really conceptualize the absolute or the reality of no beginning?

>Would social structures crumble, morality disappear, mass murder and suicide rates require quantum notation to tally, "life" as we have known it lose any semblance of "meaning"?

Scientists used to speculate about the psychological shock to society if we made contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. I think proof positive of life after death would be a far greater shock - and I'm not at all sure that the immediate consequences would be beneficial. The long-term consequences might be more positive, but in the short run I think there would be serious societal disruption for all the reasons you mentioned. Luckily, it seems unlikely that absolute proof is attainable in this area, so we don't have to worry about it.

reincarnation research ian stevenson was once asked by a hindu guru why stevenson wanted scientific proof for reincarnation. stevenson replied that by proving the survival of bodily death will teach people to be more tolerant, more loving, and more understanding- and be more mindful of one's action.

the guru then said that in India reincarnation is accepted as fact, and yet there are just as many robbers and murderers here as anywhere else in the world.

i think that we have overestimated the effect of scientific proof on afterlife. i think (although i have no statistic to back me up) that majority of people in this world believe in some form of afterlife due to the religion (even in Buddhism, there is an afterlife since Buddhism believes that there is self-awareness of sentient being, and that this luminous being is more than just the shell we're inhabiting).

for that majority of people, they either accept it on faith alone, or they are ignorant of science, or that they just dont think about stuff like this.

the proof for afterlife will really impact on the dogmatic skeptics and paranormal researchers the most- which i think may not be a large percentage of the world population. after all, the media has already done alot of 'thinking' for the mass (eg. movies and tv programs about mediums, ghosts). since our pop media in reality promote the concept of afterlife, most people simply dont question it.

even if we even that afterlife is real- we will still have division of dogmatic skeptics, fundamentalists, and true skeptics. dogmatics will still try to overthrow the concept of God (Christain, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu- no matter what)...they'll still argue that afterlife is nothing but a limbo- a meandering experience that has no end nor beginning like this universe. The fundamentalists will argue that heaven and hell are real hence there is more of needs for repentance or retribution.

honestly, how many people do you know in your community that actually spend the time and effort to look into afterlife scientifically? i feel like an outcast by telling people about ian stevenson even though he was such a reputable and honest researcher.

the odd thing, i guess, is that even though most people believe in afterlife by faith (blind or not), they dont really care to look into it scientifically. and if you speak about it publicly, then you've become an outcast, a weirdo. that's why most people don't really talk about it.

i'm rather disappointed by the fact that people around me rather talk about paris hilton, michael vicks, footbal, sports, and iraq war...but not about spirituality, the meaning of life, the profoundness of life and the nature of consciousness.

maybe that's why most of you read this blog and post your thoughts on it..because this is one of the only few outlets we have.

TomC, excellent post. As I was reading the responses before it, I was thinking the same—the effect of absolute proof would be much less than imagined. We are here for a purpose, part of which is what is known esoterically as “bringing Heaven to Earth” or the “illumination of matter.” But physical, astral, and mental matter still contains elements of “the darkness that does comprehend.” Learning to master and control these elements in which our spirit is wrapped takes development and time. There do not seem to be any shortcuts, and no amount of proof will instantly bestow the skills on us. Building up the treasures of heaven is not a matter of proof.

I have a question that upsets me according to physicists the universe is going to end in a big freeze or big splat or big rip or big crunch now the evidence pointing towards a spirit world what happens to the spirit world once this universe ends?

leo: if the uniiverse ends that may be matter ending/changing not consciousness as we know it. all that dark matter out there may be realities we cannot see or measure or comprehend.

illumination of matter got to think on that one for awhile bill w. what or who is doing the illumination? awareness or consciousness or .........?

do we really know the reality of matter?

"I have a question that upsets me according to physicists the universe is going to end in a big freeze or big splat or big rip or big crunch now the evidence pointing towards a spirit world what happens to the spirit world once this universe ends?"

Haven’t you heard cosmologists talk about the birth and death of solar systems? It’s reincarnation on a planetary level. As above, so below.

"illumination of matter got to think on that one for awhile bill w. what or who is doing the illumination? awareness or consciousness or .........?

do we really know the reality of matter?"

The reality of physical, astral, and mental matter is not in question. Why God created matter than needs redeeming might be a reasonable thing to ask, but that is beyond our ability to understand. We can barely handle our job ;-). The story of Adam and Eve is not about two people, it’s about Spirit (Adam) being infused in matter (Eve).

I think one of the most interesting questions to ask would be what would be the effect of 100% proof of survival on the suicide rate? Would unstable people be more likely to kill themselves knowing they would not be annihilated, or less likely knowing that the self would continue and therefore they might keep being in pain or fear or depression? One wonders...

By the way, Michael, a story about how a society reacts when the afterlife is conclusively proven would be one hell of a novel. My books are all nonfiction; you want to take a crack at it?

Michael is most likely correct in noting that we will probably never attain evidence of life-after-death which would be incontrovertible, so we can only speculate about large scale social ramifications. But the profound attitudinal aftereffects of Near Death Experiencers would seem to indicate that the positive aspects would overcome the negative reactions. Perhaps, with the "endorsement" seemingly granted by NDEs, such experiencers would become thought of as "advisors", guides, mentors or spiritual leaders, their newly granted influence held in check by the certain knowledge that they TRULY would be held in some way accountable for any abuses of that influence by whatever power it is which holds sway in the non-material realm of existence. And it's true, Michael, there IS the making of a fascinating novel here, assuming it hasn't already been written (my reading of fiction has dropped off considerably in the last 5-6 years due to my interest in consciousness research. If YOU write it, I'll buy it and read it).

I don't believe we will ever be allowed to know absolutely 100% for certain that there is life after death. Suffering the death of someone we love is the ultimate lesson in experiencing separation. If we knew absolutely for for certain that one day we were going to be reunited with our loved ones death would lose some of it's effectiveness as a learning experience. The more emotional the lesson the more powerful and long lasting the memory it creates. Nothing comes close emotionally as when someone you love dies. I cried for three days when my mother died. Experiencing separation imprints on the soul what it means and how it feels to be a separate, unique, individual, something that may be very difficult to achieve in the Spiritual Universe due to the powerful and infinite feelings of oneness and connectedness (due to it's holographic nature).

I know 100% for sure, Art. No matter how smart, credentialed or celebrated the person be that would try to dissuade me, communicating with disincarnate consciousness is a daily routine for me.

In almost every reading I do, there is always a morsel of evidence that says, "yes, this is all true."

As I mentioned in my interview with Matthew Cromer, and as Michael himself posted here on his blog, the hesitation or fear to declare oneself a TRUE BELIEVER is a result of intellectual bullying from the Reductionist Mafia.

Being openly skeptical isn't the same thing as resisting personal spiritual commitment. To reap the rewards and wisdom of spiritual connections, you have to commit within.

Again, I encourage all of you to make yourselves the medium vs. looking for proof from historical ones.

"Why God created matter than needs redeeming might be a reasonable thing to ask, but that is beyond our ability to understand."

not sure I understand this response bill w.

what do you mean by redeeming? what needs redeeming? this response sounds if human kind has somehow fallen. (ie screwed up)

what would the world/life be without our lack of knowing? how can oneness become twoness unless we are innocent of our true reality.

I suspect that nothing is beyond our ability to know we have just not advanced enough to know these things at this stage of our evolutionary process.

"Haven’t you heard cosmologists talk about the birth and death of solar systems? It’s reincarnation on a planetary level. As above, so below."

very well put bill w could not agree more. the iniverse is dynamic not static.

"I know 100% for sure, Art. No matter how smart, credentialed or celebrated the person be that would try to dissuade me, communicating with disincarnate consciousness is a daily routine for me."

Amen Marcel!

"what do you mean by redeeming? what needs redeeming? this response sounds if human kind has somehow fallen. (ie screwed up)"

The darkness of emotional “matter” needs to be purified of hate and selfishness by being infused with the light of love and compassion, for example. The darkness of mental “matter” needs to be purified of things like intellectual arrogance and fundamentalism by being infused with the light of wisdom and understanding. It is said that each time we do this, we purify the astral and emotional matter around us, and that each time we reincarnate, we begin with new astral and mental bodies of the quality that we have achieved. Build up your treasures in heaven.

I'm curious. Although unrelated to the current discussion, why is there virtually little to no information ANYWHERE online on Psychic Detectives? All I've found are dozens of Skeptic Sources, Skeptic Articles, Etc, bashing Psychic Detectives, claiming that Psychic Detecitves have NEVER solved a single crime or found a single missing person, alive or dead, and that all of the supposed "hits" are very vague and totally in selective hindsight matching.

In other words, I cannot find ANY indepth online POSITIVE SOURCES, nor any indepth online sources that fairly gives BOTH SIDES of the story, nor any indepth online PRO Psychic Detective Websites either. (Personal Websites of these Psychics don't count, I need outside of that.)

There is a TV Show on Court TV, called Psychic Detectives, that I have heard good and bad things about, but I haven't seen it.

I did however, see an amazing segment on Dorothy Allison on Unsolved Mysteries, and listened to the commentary on the episode afterwards, and she came up with such amazing veridical hits that all easily fit together like crucial pieces of a puzzle cannot be adaquetely explained away, stuff that completely blows me away and obviously cannot simply be chalked up to vague luck or chance. I should write an article about her from what little information I could find on her and her cases.

There was another case on Unsolved Mysteries that was compelling, where an ordinary woman had a vision that led her to a body of a murdered woman, and the police even arrested her as a suspect for finding the body, though she was later released.

The reason I'm bringing this up, is to ask why are there practically all negetive sources and accusations on Psychic Detectives, and nothing postivive or indepth on the web, aside from Skeptic Sources?

Where are the websites and sources defending them? All I see are negetive sources.

Maybe I should start a website after I buy a few books and find out whatever I can on the subject.

Hmmm, I just found two very interesting highly rated books on on Psychic Detectives that I'll probably read for further research, since online information on the best veridical cases and on the best psychic detectives is virtually non-existent except for several Skeptic Websites attacking several psychic detectives and several selected cases very one-sidedly (and I know I'm not getting the whole story and the whole of the data from them in their biased selective attack articles, obviously).

Odd how such an interesting phenomenon within the psychic world is practically bare of information online.

Here are the two books I found...

Witnesses to the Unsolved: Prominent Psychic Detectives and Mediums Explore Our Most Haunting Mysteries (Hardcover) by Edward Olshaker (Author), Colin Wilson (Foreword)

"Witnesses To The Unsolved: Prominent Psychic Detectives And Mediums Explore Our Most Haunting Mysteries by Edward Olshaker examines the use of psychic phenomena in the form of "psychic detectives", "remote viewers", and mediums who have assisted in the solution of homicides and the searches for missing persons through the use of case examples as the deaths of Vincent Foster; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Kurt Cobain; and others. From the mystery surrounding the death of Secretary of Commerce Ron Borwn, to the fate of former CIA chief William Colby; to the violent deaths of financial magnate John Markle and his family. Especially recommended reading for students of Metaphysical Studies, Witnesses To The Unolved offers fascinating insights into the use of psychics and psychic phenomena as a means of solving crime in more than one-third of major police departments across the United States today."


Psychic Detectives (Reader's Digest) (Hardcover) by Jenny Randles (Author), Peter Hough (Author)

"This true crime page turner documents how psychics have uncovered critical evidence in more than 65 famous cases. Here's the inside track on the psychics' investigative tools and techniques, plus actual police reports comparing the "hit rate" of psychic and pragmatic detectives."

I'll probably check them out and start my research on this apparently obscure subject.

Bill W

I think it depends on what you mean by matter. It appears to me that it is consciousness that is being "purified" not matter but then maybe matter is consciousness.

Hate and selfishness are both based in not knowing or an unawareness of reality. I suspect that the souls journey is to learn this universal or spiritual reality of love or what many call god. Unfortunately but predictable most of human kind has made “god” in its image due to this lack of knowing.

If we humans knew everything there was to know there would be no Bill W or William or world of matter or anything but awareness, pure awareness. Does this pure awareness that may be static become dynamic by expressing itself by a process of manifesting itself as not knowing entities?

How else could the absolute express itself to its fullest potential without these “not knowing” entities interacting with one another? Maybe the ultimate drama (expression) is played out with entities that perceive themselves as separate individuals and their souls advance towards this state of pure awareness by karmic laws such as what we sow we reap.

The Buddha stated it was compassion we must learn but compassion is love in action. It always seems to get back to love when we try to surmise the meaning of our existence.

"...intellectual bullying from the Reductionist Mafia."

I think Reductionist Gestapo is a better expression.

On the matter of psychic detectives, if you want positive, verified stories, try looking up information about Joe McMoneagle. He was the lead guy in the U.S. government's remote viewing project, and he's still around now consulting with corporations and doing RV demos. The guy has pulled off some amazing remote viewing work on live TV and apparently he's found numerous people both here and in Asia, including the body of a woman who had been missing for nine years. he's the real deal.


Any links about him finding the body?

Tim: His cases will probably be in one or both of the books I just ordered that I mentioned above.

As there are no reliable indepth "Both Sided" or even just "Pro" research websites devoted to the topic of Psychic Detectives, only Skeptics and their One-Sided Debunker Websites, I'm gonna read these two books to get the positive "other side" information on this topic that the Internet ironically doesn't have.

I'll probably write an indepth article or two or three on the topic once I get through these two books. I would say website, but I'd rather keep it to articles, like my NDE Article and Reincarnation Article. (Both of which I still need to update again.)

Wow, I'm pretty convinced Joe McMoneagle may indeed be the real deal after watching this video of a Remote Viewing Test he went through that was very well done and came out amazingly veridical...

Turns out in the mini-biography told in the Video that he clinically died and had a Near Death Experience when he was younger, and soon afterwards started developing his OBE and Remote Viewing abilities. He was one of the original Officers recruited for the top-secret army program now known as Project Star Gate.

Several other examples of his Veridical Cases are given in the above Video as well.

"He is the only person who has successfully demonstrated his ability as a remote viewer more than two dozen times, live, double-blind, and under strict scientific control while on-camera for national networks and labs in four countries."

From this article...

Quite interesting.

i find it interesting that we hardly hear people like mcmoneagle, stevenson, radin, and other geniune paranormal researchers or practioners even though the tv is saturated with the likes of sylvia browne, who are debunked by those famous skeptics.

there is definitely some kind of discrpency going on in today's media. it seemed that entertainment programs were full of supernatural and psychic phoenmena while at the same time when it comes to scientific or investigative reports/programs we found nothing but debunked events or fraud.

i would say that those special interest groups (dogmatic skeptics) are doing their darn hardest to spread their gospels.

however, no matter what, i find it comforting that it's usually through those entertainment outlet where most people can relate to it. no matter how hard those skeptics try, they can never fully convinced people that human experiences with paranormal were all just hallucination or wishful thinking. just like what michael's earlier blog wrote, antedotal accounts may not mean much in scientific setting, but when they occur in such large quantity, then to disregard it would be a grave mistake.

Tom, there's a simple reason why we don't hear about people like Radin, McMoneagle, et al. They're not media whores like Sylvia Browne. They're too busy doing actual research or actual work to worry about writing crappy books and appearing on talk shows. After doing research on McMoneagle and determining that he is the real deal, I wondered a few times why he didn't just go get the JREF prize and cram that challenge down Randi's piehole. Then I realized that the only people who waste their time on that stuff are people with nothing better to do. Why would a serious researcher or psi practitioner subject himself or herself to the contempt, snarkiness, ridiculous hurdles and probable fraud? They wouldn't.


I started writing a blog post for AMNAP about that video two days ago. There is also a skeptical take on the video available. I should get my blog posting done sometime this week.

It is not too easy to find but the most extensive online resource dealing with with remote viewing is P. J. Gaenir's Firedocs Collections.

Matthew C, do you have an email or contact on your blog or a website? I was going to email you on several topics I don't feel are adaquetely touched upon in online paranormal research. (Such as Psychic Detectives, which Skeptics have a field day with online with their one-sided debunker websites and articles with no opposition websites from the other side of the argument showing a more fair presentation of both sides of the issue.)

"i find it interesting that we hardly hear people like mcmoneagle, stevenson, radin, and other geniune paranormal researchers or practioners..."

Stevenson deliberately avoided the media because he was all too aware of how easy it is to sensationalize and exploit the subject of "reincarnation." When you see all the nonsense on "reincarnation" floating around the internet, you can understand his reclusiveness. Both the New Agers and dogmatic skeptics have to be avoided.

As a big fan of Charles Drayton Thomas, I just wanted to let everyone know about three of his books you can read online:

Life Beyond Death with Evidence:

Precognition and Human Survival:

An Amazing Experiment (the Bobbie Newlove case):

Thanks, Ginny! I'll check these out.

I recommend that any of you will profit by reading "The Unbstructed Universe", from - I think - around 1939. There are several companions by the same author, a Mr. White - I think... the title is correct, in any event, and that book and the others are available in the Gutenberg project (possibly only the Ozzie version).

The Unobstructed Universe and several more of the "Betty books" are readable online at:

Just do a search under Stewart White.

Hello! great idea of color of this siyte!

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