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All attainable goals, however lofty. I believe the main reason we have not made progress towards these futuristic goals in a meaningful way is that we as a species channel our energy and resources in destructive ways, such as wars like the one we are currently engaged in in Iraq.

As many astute observers have pointed out, for the money we've pissed away on Iraq (now officially for oil per President Bush), we could have freed ourselves from oil dependence by now with the proper investments and research into other energy technologies. The same applies to the other futuristic technologies, they don't happen because we are focused elsewhere. Perhaps because we're not so interested in implementing them anyway. Yeah, a spaceship to a distant star sounds great to science nerds, but how many in the real world feel a need for that and would actually want to spend the money and resources to make it a reality? We have enough problems on earth to solve as it is.

We do have drugs to boost intelligence and memory.
Piracetam, Aniracetam, choline, and a variety of other nootropics permanently boost memory and intelligence.
We have drugs to control senility and parts of aging.
Perhaps 2000 was optimistic, but regardless we have are fast approaching the tech to do a lot of it.

sg says:

"We do have drugs to boost intelligence and memory. Piracetam, Aniracetam, choline, and a variety of other nootropics permanently boost memory and intelligence."

My experience with these substances has been that the benefits vary widely from day to day, and their effects certainly may not be permanent, except possibly only mildly so--you have to keep taking them to get continued benefit. Of course, each person's experience will vary. These substances also don't make you more intelligent by way of "teaching" you anything--the second part of the intelligence equation, and mostly the larger part of it, is still to make a purposeful effort to be more intelligent, though some of these substances can sometimes give you the extra oomph to help you along (specifically, more active glucose utilization in the brain, protective effects against neuron burnout, faster transmission in the brain (though that's a pretty broad generalization), etc.). But it's not like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz--you don't "get more intelligent" just by taking a pill to get a bigger brain--you also have to study things at the same time, and so the real benefits of intelligence via this dual route (substances and study), as with study alone, come with time.

"We have drugs to control senility and parts of aging."

The drugs we currently have don't really "control senility" as effectively as we'd like--some of them are sometimes fairly effective, but the effects, like all the drugs discussed here, are variable and not guaranteed for each person. More effective drugs are always being promised, and that will probably happen, but again, as with intelligence, personal effort is also required for real protection against senility and aging.

"Perhaps 2000 was optimistic, but regardless we are fast approaching the tech to do a lot of it."

That's a more accurate assessment. We're headed in the right direction for these medications in many ways, with many more discoveries to be made.

My dim understanding of "The Singularity" is based on reading comments by Ray Kurzweil pertaining to continually enhanced computer technology finally reaching some kind of tipping point.

This seems to be a technologist's version of what others call "The Shift," "The Change," "The Transition," and so on (all variations, really, of what David Spangler once called "The New Age" years before that term acquired its present negative connotations).

This deals with widespread changes in consciousness, not technology, but the pattern is similar -- accelerating changes approaching some kind of critical mass.

An ardent student of The Change might practice something like Seth's _Preliminary Probable Self_ exercise (#2. at ).

Anyone sufficiently persistent to attain undeniable results with this exercise will likely realize there can be no single 2045; rather, there are (or will be) multiple probable 2045s.

The range of probable 2045s is as broad as the imagination; some versions lack any event such as The Singularity or The Change; others include some variation of either; any number of other probable futures (will) also exist.

Bill I.

Forget the flying car. I want my robot maid and 3D TV.

You would make a good con-artist ;)

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